and Test Web Center Content AXF Managed Attachments
Following are the steps to be followed to Setup Web Center
Content AXF Managed Attachments:
Step 1:
Install and Setup Web Center Content
After installation, the Managed Attachments
scripts are located here:
Here, Copy R12 folder to your local machine.
Step 2:
Start the WebLogic Admin Server.
Go to the domain directory and run to bring up the admin server and FMW Enterprise Manager for
the domain.
Step 3:
Start the Web Center Content managed server.
Open a web browser and set the configuration as desired.
Once the settings are enabled as desired, click submit and
restart the Content Server.
Step 4:
Verify that
the proper AppAdapter components are enabled on Web Center Content.
Before restarting, make sure that the following components
are enabled.
ContentFolios. (Make sure to check this component, which is
also used in the integration).
Once components are enabled then restart the Web Center
Content server.
Here is the screenshot
that shows the AppAdapterEBS being enabled.
Step 5:
Here, you
need to update the Content Server
config.cfg file with the following statement:
Content Server config.cfg is located in the following location:
= http://ContentServerHost:port/cs/idcplg/_p/min/af/trigger-[ContentServerProfile]?IdcService=GET_SEARCH_RESULTS_FORCELOGIN&'||'ResultTemplate=[ResultTemplate]'
Update ContentServerHost,
Port, ContentServerProfile and ResultTemplate values in the variable for your
configuration as follows,
MA_SEARCH_URL = http://wbcdevweb01.oakland.local:16200/cs/idcplg/_p/min/af/trigger-EBSProfile?IdcService=GET_SEARCH_RESULTS_FORCELOGIN&'||'ResultTemplate=EBS_LIST'
MA_SEARCH_URL which invokes the Content Server attachments framework search.
Step 6:
- Create the Credential MA_CSF_KEY.
- MA_CSF_KEY stores the admin user credentials in the credential store framework (CSF) using a configurable key name.
- The user setup in this key must be a valid WebLogic admin user.
- Creating the MA_CSF_KEY Credential Using Enterprise Manager:
- Log in to Enterprise Manager.
- Right-click on your domain under Web Logic Domain.
- Click Security and then Credentials.
- Select the map. If it does not exist, create a map as follows,
Select Create Map.
Enter in the map field and click OK.
- Expand the map.
- Click Create Key. The key is now available for selection.
- Enter MA_CSF_KEY as the key name.
- Select password in the Type field.
- Enter a username and password for a valid Oracle Web Logic user and click OK.
Step 7:
Testing the Managed Attachments solution, you need to create a user.
- This is because using Web Logic as the test user is often confusing. The Web Logic user can be used for testing, but the confusion occurs here because Web Logic is also the user in the MA_CSF_KEY.
- When testing as described below, a username field is required for the Managed Attachments test.
- Login to Web Logic Admin Server and go to the Security Realm “myrealm”.
The screenshots below show the EBS user 'operations' being
Next, restart all Managed Servers, and the WLS admin server.
Step 8:
Test Managed Attachments using SoapUI.
- Installed SoapUI in your local machine.
- Go into SoapUI, Select File, Import Project, browse to where you saved the Managed Attachment project file.
- In the upper left SoapUI pane under Projects, expand 'Managed Attachment' (click +), expand 'AxfSolutionMediatorPortBinding', expand 'execute', double-click 'Request 1'
- In the Request 1 project pane, in the URL field drop down menu, select add new endpoint. Here add the Content Server you are using with Managed Attachments as follows:
http:// wbcdevweb01.oakland.local:16200/idcws/AfGrantAccess
- Check the <wsse:Username>WebLogic</wsse:Username> and <wsse:Password>yourpassword<wsse:Password> are correct.
- Click the green arrow button to execute the test.
- If it works, you’ll get this in the Results pane with the below value,
- Copy this, then remove the <value>, </value>, and all the amp; from the string.
You will have this:
- Place the above in a web browser, and you should get to the Content Server login screen.
Login with the Valid credentials and click Log In.
You will see a Page with Attach option,such that we can attach number of documents to this Responsibility.